
Will My Estranged Daughter Come Back?

Estrangement between a parent and an adult child is complex and painful. When it comes to daughters, it can be complicated to navigate. This article explores why estrangement between daughters and parents can occur and what can prolong the separation.

Estrangement is not uncommon. In fact, according to research by Dr. Karl Pillemer, a professor of human development at Cornell University, around 27% of adults in the US have experienced estrangement from a family member. Reasons for estrangement can vary, but some common factors include communication breakdowns, unresolved conflicts, mental health issues, divorce, and trauma.

Why Did My Daughter Cut Ties?

One of the most challenging aspects of parent-daughter estrangement is understanding why it happened. One common reason for separation is a communication breakdown. When communication breaks down, misunderstandings can occur, leading to hurt feelings and a loss of trust. In some cases, distance, time, or conflicting schedules can create a rift between family members that can be difficult to repair.

Unresolved conflicts can lead to estrangement. These negative feelings can cause individuals to distance themselves from family members to protect themselves emotionally. The estranged party may feel exhausted if the dispute has been ongoing for years.

Mental health issues also contribute to estrangement. Depression, anxiety, and addiction are just a few examples of mental health problems that can affect a person’s ability to maintain healthy relationships. 

A daughter may have taken on the parents’ role and become estranged later. A need to care for her might push her away from the family unit. 

Trauma can also be a significant factor in estrangement. Trauma can take many forms, including physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. Survivors of trauma may find it challenging to maintain relationships with family members who were not supportive or who did not believe them when they came to them about abuse from other family members. The trauma can also lead to a loss of trust and feelings of betrayal, making it difficult to repair the relationship.

There may be factors contributing to the estrangement that are and were beyond your control. Your daughter may face challenges in her own life, such as a demanding job or relationship, making it difficult to maintain relationships. Alternatively, she may be going through a phase of personal growth or self-discovery that involves distancing herself from her family.

So, What Can Prolong Estrangement? 

The length of the estrangement can influence how difficult it is to repair the relationship. The longer the alienation, the more difficult it can be to bridge the gap between family members. This happens because the longer the separation, the more entrenched feelings of hurt, anger, and resentment. It is never too late to repair the relationship, even after many years of estrangement.

Another factor that can prolong estrangement is a lack of willingness to work toward reconciliation. Both parties must be willing to communicate openly and honestly about their feelings and be ready to listen to the other’s perspective. Acknowledging the reasons for the estrangement and working towards resolving them is also crucial. Seeking resolution may involve getting professional help, such as therapy or counseling, to address underlying issues. Sometimes, it may be necessary to acknowledge and apologize for past wrongs.

Another factor that can prolong estrangement is the inability to let go of past hurts. When individuals hold onto past hurts, they can become stuck in a cycle of resentment and anger. Acknowledging past wounds and working towards forgiveness to move forward and repair the relationship is essential.

Repairing an estranged relationship is complex and may take time. It may also involve seeking help from a trained therapist or counselor to navigate challenging emotions and issues. However, it is possible to move forward and repair the relationship with effort, patience, and a willingness to communicate and listen.

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, reconciliation may not be possible. Sometimes, the hurt and pain may be too great, or the underlying issues may be too complex to address. When dealing with the hope for reconciliation, focusing on personal healing and finding ways to move forward positively is crucial.

If you are a parent estranged from your daughter, it is vital to acknowledge your role in the estrangement and take responsibility for your actions. Taking responsibility involves recognizing past mistakes and making amends where possible. Remember to be patient and understanding; your daughter may need time and space to heal and work through her emotions. Practice self-care and acceptance for each present moment. 

If you are a daughter estranged from your parents, it is necessary to communicate your feelings openly and honestly. Practice speaking and  expressing your hurt, anger, and desire to repair the relationship with a trusted professional. Prepare and be willing to listen to your parent’s perspectives and to work towards hearing their point of view.


Estrangement between a parent and daughter is a heartbreaking issue that can have long-lasting effects. The reasons for estrangement are complex and varied but often involve a breakdown in communication, unresolved conflicts, mental health issues, or trauma. The length of the estrangement, the willingness to work towards reconciliation, and the ability to let go of past hurts can all play a role in prolonging estrangement. However, it is possible to repair the relationship and move forward with time, effort, and a commitment to communication and understanding. This article explores why estrangement between daughters and parents can occur and what can prolong the separation. 

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