Introducing "Embracing Renewal After Estrangement"
A program designed to help you navigate the complex emotions that follow estrangement.

It's Time To Move Forward.
This journey isn't easy, and many people experience feelings of abandonment, betrayal, rejection, shock, sadness, depression, anxiety, and confusion. This program will guide you through these challenging emotions and help you find a way to move forward with confidence and a clear strategy.
As I tell my clients, whatever the outcome of your relationship with your estranged loved one, you can't go down with that ship. Uncertainty is part of life, but you don't have to let it hold you back. This program will help you find your path, even amid uncertainty.
We don't know what will happen to our loved ones when they return—or if they will. The grief can come in waves, and the strain of loss can be overwhelming at times. As parents, adult children, or family members, we share the pain of estrangement. This common pain is why people often reach out to me. During our strategy sessions, we get to know each other and create a plan to move forward, overcoming the sense of being cut off from those we care about.
Six Modules with Lessons,
Videos, and Workbooks
Each module includes a workbook and videos that guide you step-by-step
toward renewal after estrangement. Let's look at what each module covers:

Understanding Your Emotions
Discover and process the range of feelings that come with estrangement. This module helps you validate your response and find a sense of normalcy.

Navigating the Path to Healing
Learn effective self-care practices and establish healthy boundaries. Explore tools that promote resilience and personal growth.

Rebuilding Connections
Rediscover yourself and find ways to rebuild relationships post-estrangement. This module is a journey of self-discovery and connection.

Forgiveness and Letting Go
Understand how forgiveness can aid in healing and learn to let go of resentment. This module helps you build a foundation for renewed connections.

Practical Strategies for Daily Life
Get practical tips for setting boundaries and coping strategies to navigate daily life after estrangement. Learn how to use mindfulness and creative expression for a more resilient journey.

Planning for the Future
Envision a positive future, set achievable goals, and celebrate your progress. This module guides you through expressing gratitude and preparing for ongoing growth.
Following the lessons, watching the videos, and completing the workbook exercises will help you embrace renewal after estrangement. Please think of this program as a journey together, where you gain a deeper understanding of your emotions, discover healthy practices, set boundaries, and find a greater sense of forgiveness.