Estranged Daughter (7)

Top Five Reasons Parents Are Cut Off When Adult Children Estrange

Family estrangement is a complex issue that occurs when there is distance between family members, either physically or emotionally. This blog post aims to explore the top five reasons why adult children may choose to estrange themselves from their parents, aside from cases involving toxic parenting or abuse. Family dynamics are influenced by various factors, including genetics, personalities, and cultural influences, leading to years of problematic interactions or significant events that result in a family rift. This article will explore the top five reasons adult children may choose to estrange themselves from their parents, shedding light on the multifaceted nature of this phenomenon.

1. Divorce and Separation

Divorce and separation of parental figures can have a profound and lasting impact on adult children, leading to a higher likelihood of estrangement. The emotional disconnection from their parents during this turbulent period can leave a deep mark on the psyche of adult children, influencing how they process and cope with the changes within their family dynamic. The experience of witnessing the breakdown of their parent’s marriage can evoke feelings of loss, confusion, and insecurity.

In some instances, one parent may intentionally or unintentionally alienate the other, trying to gain favor or loyalty from the child. This parental alienation can be emotionally manipulative and toxic, further straining the parent-child relationship. The child is caught in the crossfire of their parents’ conflicts and may develop conflicting feelings of love, loyalty, and resentment towards both parents.

The stress and upheaval caused by divorce can significantly affect the child’s long-term view of the family. They might grapple with abandonment or guilt, wondering if they were somehow responsible for their parent’s separation. In response, adult children may seek ways to cope with the complicated emotions that arise from divorce or separation.

Estrangement from one or both parents can be a coping mechanism for some adult children, providing a means to distance themselves from the turmoil and emotional strain. The decision to cut ties may not be sudden; rather, it might culminate in years of problematic interactions and one shattering event that finally leads to a family rift.

However, it is essential to note that not all adult children of divorced or separated parents choose estrangement. Many maintain healthy and supportive relationships with their parents despite the challenges they faced during their parents’ split. The decision to estrange or not is influenced by numerous factors, including individual personalities, coping mechanisms, and external influences.

As parents, understanding the impact of divorce on adult children and being mindful of how we handle post-divorce relationships can play a pivotal role in fostering healthier family connections and reducing the likelihood of estrangement. Open communication, empathy, and seeking professional support, if needed, can contribute to rebuilding bridges and fostering understanding between family members.

2. Mental Illness or Addiction: Navigating the Emotional Turmoil

Struggling with mental health issues or addiction can be a challenging journey for the individual and their entire family, including adult children. When adult children experience mental health challenges, they may struggle to maintain healthy connections with their parents. Feelings of shame, guilt, and a sense of burden can overwhelm them, making it challenging to engage in meaningful relationships, even with their closest family members.

In some cases, adult children may feel emotionally drained and incapable of holding any relationship, including the one with their parents. They might believe they cannot provide the support their parents need due to their emotional struggles. This overwhelming burden can lead them to distance themselves, thinking estrangement is the best way to protect themselves and their parents from further emotional turmoil.

Conversely, when a parent grapples with mental illness or addiction, the adult child may feel uncomfortable continuing the relationship. Witnessing a parent going through these challenges can be distressing, as it may lead to strained communication, unpredictable behavior, and emotional instability. In such situations, the adult child might be torn between wanting to support their parent and safeguarding their well-being.

The strain on communication, reliability, and temperament caused by mental illness or addiction can make it challenging for adult children to maintain stability and security within the relationship. Constant uncertainty and fear of potential relapses or emotional outbursts can create a toxic environment that adult children may seek to distance themselves from, leading to estrangement.

The adult child may view estrangement as a means to protect themselves from the tribulations of certain mental illnesses and addictions. It becomes a coping mechanism to preserve their emotional well-being and establish boundaries to avoid the emotional rollercoaster of dealing with a loved one’s mental health challenges.

It is essential to recognize that estrangement is not always the default solution. In some cases, open communication, understanding, and professional support can pave the way for healing and reconciliation between family members. Mental health challenges and addiction are complex issues that require compassion and empathy from all parties involved.

3. Pressure From In-Laws

Dr. Joshua Coleman’s book, “Rules of Estrangement,” sheds light on the role of in-laws in adult children’s decisions to estrange themselves from their parents. Some adult children may be swayed by their troubled and insecure spouses who feel threatened by their close parental relationship. Troubled spouses can set the stage for the adult child to cut off contact with their parents, leading to heartbreak for the estranged parents. 

Moreover, the dynamics within a marriage or partnership can influence an adult child’s decision to estrange themselves from their parents. A partner’s negative views or past experiences with the parents may fuel conflict within the relationship, leading the adult child to cut ties to maintain peace and harmony within their family.

4. Influence of Therapists

Therapists play a crucial role in guiding their patients’ well-being, but their influence can sometimes be pivotal in recommending estrangement. While estrangement might be necessary for the patient’s mental health in some instances, it is essential to consider multiple perspectives before making such a life-altering decision. Often, therapists only hear one side of the story, potentially leading to an inaccurate attribution of causality between the parents’ past behaviors and the adult child’s current situation.

In an attempt to protect their patients from further harm or distress, therapists may suggest estrangement as a means of self-preservation. However, the complexities of family dynamics require a more comprehensive approach. Sometimes, the therapist’s influence may be influenced by their biases or limited understanding of the entire family’s dynamics, leading to unintended consequences.

5. Differing Values and Lifestyles

Differences in values and lifestyle choices between adult children and parents can create conflicts that may lead to estrangement. Political, religious, and sexual identities can be contentious topics and may cause discomfort during communication. If adult children feel misunderstood or judged by their parents due to these differences, they may choose to separate from the relationship as a means of self-preservation.

Additionally, societal changes and generational gaps can contribute to varying perspectives and worldviews between parents and adult children. As societal norms evolve, lifestyle choices and beliefs may become more pronounced, leading to potential clashes with traditional family values. The desire for acceptance and understanding is universal. When one party cannot offer the validation the other seeks, estrangement may be an option for preserving identity and well-being.


Family estrangement is a multifaceted phenomenon, and there is rarely a single reason behind an adult child’s decision to cut off contact with their parents. The complexities of family relationships and external influences contribute to this challenging reality. As parents, it is essential to approach estrangement with empathy, understanding, and a willingness to address the underlying issues constructively. Families can mend broken bonds and work toward healing and reconciliation with open communication, patience, and professional support.

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