Are you Curious About Gratitude?
Are you curious about Gratitude? It is a hot topic now, and with good reason, studies tell us that Gratitude improves productivity, confidence, and feeling life satisfaction. Like other excellent practices that foster personal growth, results follow an action. Taking steps to practice and make it part of a routine delivers extraordinary benefits. Alternating exercises are key to more significant results. This article explores the exercise, The Gifted Self from The 21- Day Gratitude Journal Challenge.
Gain Confidence and Feel Content
Perhaps your curiosity prompts some action to gain confidence, feel healthier, and be more content with your life. Maybe your curiosity stems from a desire to expand your daily prayer and meditation practice. Whatever your interest or gratitude practice level, your investment has an outstanding return. Studies tell us that people who regularly engage in gratitude practices experience a sense of meaningfulness, more productivity, and are happier.
Ten Minutes a Day
Curiosity and needing a life makeover led me to find the powerhouse book by Robert A Emmons, Gratitude Works. In fact, as a recovering perfectionist, I was intrigued that one simple ten-minute daily practice had that much to offer.
I discovered that Gratitude improves your mood, helps you feel more at peace, and better able to achieve your goals. When you have big dreams and are short on time, you want something efficient and effective. Gratitude is both and so much more!
The 21- Day Gratitude Journaling Practice
Gratitude Works gives step-by-step instruction on how to do the 21-day gratitude journaling practice. Journaling in itself is therapeutic; adding Gratitude heightens the benefits. The book includes seven exercises, one of which is the gifted self practiced on days three, ten, and seventeen. Alternating exercises is better than doing the same gratitude practice daily.
How to do the Gifted Self Gratitude Journaling Exercise
The gifted self is all about recognizing how blessed and gifted you are. Focus on the gifts you have received. They may be small ones, like a call from a neighbor to say hello. Or a card in the mail from a dear friend. Maybe a stranger went out of his or her way to open a door for you. Notice if someone smiled at you. Have the daffodils bloomed that lovely yellow? Did you catch a glimpse of a male cardinal in all his glory? They can be simple observances or kindnesses but are beautiful to notice and linger.
The second part of the exercise is to note these gifts and repeat I am gifted or gifted several times. Pay attention to the sensations in your body. You will want to close your eyes and be in the moment. Try your best to focus on the feeling in your body and the appreciation you have for the gift. Linger, notice, and enjoy how this experience feels in your head, heart, and entire body. Write about the gifts and the sensations. Nothing is too simple or small.
The third part of this exercise is to consider how you might reciprocate a gift. While you won’t be able to return anything for the joy you receive in flowers, a bird, or a stranger’s act of kindness past, think in terms of someone who you might bless. Write about this and ask yourself, “Is there something I can do for someone else?” Maybe the next time you see that friendly person at the coffee shop, you can thank them for their pleasant service. You might want to buy someone’s lunch anonymously. There are so many ways we can pay kindness to others.
Step by Step: The Gifted Self
In this exercise, you will focus on the gifts, pleasures, blessings, beauty, or events you have received kindness. Gratitude is about seeing through the lens of giving and receiving gifts. A gift is presented with a heart to please. When we appreciate, we connect to Gratitude.
- Repeat the phase I am gifted.
- Repeat the phrase I have been gifted
- Feel this sentiment in your body.
- Write the gifts you notice and how you are feeling
- Then consider how you might reciprocate.
- Maybe you can pay it forward to someone lonely.
- Mentor a child.
- Visit the elderly.
- Give the gift of time.
- Do this on Day three, ten, and seventeen.
Gratitude Improves Your Mood and Generosity
Not surprisingly, you are less likely to be materialistic when you are grateful. You look at what blessings you have rather than compare and pine for things you think will make you happy. Plus, increased optimism and leaning into positive cognitive states – are part of the mix of blessings as well. Have you ever woken up to a cranky, pessimistic mood and asked yourself, “what on earth is going on here?” Then a moment or two of these gratitude exercises will do the trick. Learn to do the Gifted Self Exercise to feel happier.
There is no question that Gratitude and specifically the practice of gratitude journaling is incredibly powerful. Studies report findings that support improved well-being emotionally, physically, spiritually, and relationally. Taking time to practice gratitude journaling will bring about surprising and welcome changes.
Likewise, making this practice part of a routine or daily ritual delivers extraordinary benefits.
Beautifully Imperfect
Whether you are a perfectionist or have mastered the art of beautiful imperfection, you will find great loveliness in this daily challenge. If you have been wondering what to do to improve your mood or level of optimism, look no further. Gratitude Works!! Alternating exercises are key to more significant results. This article explores the exercise, The Gifted Self from The 21- Day Gratitude Journal Challenge.

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